How to Tie a Bow Tie
Don't be intimidated by tying a bow tie. It's a lot like tying your shoes. The difference between tying a regular bow (like your shoe laces) and a bow tie, is that you want a flat front in the middle with the knot happening at the back. The tricky part happens at Steps 6 and 7 where you have to poke the corner of the bow through to complete the bow. Hold a finger in there to help you keep track of where the opening is. Better yet, have someone help tie it on you!
How to Tie a Neck Tie
Shown above is a half Windsor knot. It creates a little less symmetrical knot than the full Windsor, but it's a bit easier. It's also better if you are a taller individual. One fewer loops will add a bit of length to your tie. Thicker ties also benefit from the half Windsor as it is not as bulky a knot.